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Super health club nude

You know Jennifer, from Big Boobs Bangaroo 29 and Whack Attack 12. “The girls are hot, and their staff is incredible,” says fire breathing porn star Jennifer Steele. Plus, local law allows complete nudity, liquor, and full-contact lap dancing. Hostesses go to bartending, wine, and cigar school. among others.Īlthough a VIP membership to the Penthouse Club costs $1,500 a year, it’s worth it. It’s got three stages, a roster of 150 uber hotties (although no longer topless thanks to a heartless city ordinance), and a client list that includes Evel Knievel, Wesley Snipes, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. What is the Lollipops motto? “Every place else sucks!” And while that may or may not be true, this NASCAR-circuit and spring-break mainstay has earned its place on our list. “It’s not a high-pressure environment at Mary’s,” remarks Wayward. Forty years after Roy Keller turned Mary’s into Portland’s first topless bar, his daughter slings drinks and a granddaughter gyrates onstage. Visit this neon landmark for its vintage blacklight murals, hot nude girls, and relaxed, holein-the-wall vibe. In fact, Vinnie Paul hosts a weekly Rock Band competition. “Any type of girl you want, they have.” The Clubhouse was also a favorite spot for members of Pantera. “This is one of those places that has everything,” says Texas stripper Susan Wayward.

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There are 50 or so clubs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but as a two-time winner of Exotic Dancer Magazine’s Nude Club of the Year, Clubhouse is the best. “On any given night, you’re bound to see knockout, Playmate-quality dancers,” he says. He’s visited every pole-filled dive in the region. 1 nudie bar in the area, and he should know. Southern California strip-club connoisseur Z-Bone rates this the No. means no booze, who cares? This joint has enough silicone to caulk over the San Andreas Fault.

Super health club nude