In this case, a process that can reduce or remove the noise that already exists without substantially changing the original signal is required. However, for recordings that already have a high noise component, encode/decode schemes can make no improvement. This works to minimize adding noise during the recording process, especially when recording to analog tape media. The idea behind this is to reduce the noise, but keep the signal unchanged. Then after playback a reverse operation (decode) is applied to the coded signal.
The recorded signal is processed in a special way (encoded) before recording to the tape. Encode/Decode Schemes Among the classical methods to prevent noise before it arises are complementary encode/ decode systems like the famous tape noise reduction system from DOLBY Labs. In such cases a compromise is necessary since the noise reduction can be only done at the expense of distorting the signal we want to preserve.
If the signal and noise spectra overlap there is no traditional filter technology that can perfectly extract the desired signal. This sounds plausible, but in most cases does not work. The standard method of extracting signal from noise is to design an appropriate filter that removes the noise components and at the same time lets the desired signal go through unchanged. A processor that can remove the noise components while leaving the signal relatively unaffected is therefore a valuable tool for audio engineers.
6 DENOISER QUICK REFERENCE.6 APPLICATIONS TIPS.7 LATENCY WHEN USED IN PYRAMIX VIRTUAL STUDIO MIXER.8 Algorithmix DeNoiser User s Manual 1ģ Algorithmix DeNoiser Plug-In Noise Removal Processor for Pyramix Systems Introduction to Noise Removal One of the common problems in audio production work is noisy signals. 2 THE DENOISING PROCESS.3 Algorithmix DeNoiser Interface. 1 DeNoiser Plug-In for USER S MANUAL 2001 Algorithmix All rights reserved Algorithmix DeNoiser User s Manual MT Version 1.1 7/2001Ģ De-NOISER MANUAL CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO NOISE REMOVAL.2 Encode/Decode Schemes.